• Sports Turfgrass

    The world's first online professional platform for sports turfgrass management.

  • Forecasting Model

    You can analyze and get information to improve turfgrass management.

  • igK Tool

    You have over 1,200 weather stations spread around the world.

igreenKeeping: A professional tool for sports turfgrass management, gardens and ornamental lawns.

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Here you can consult the characteristic rates for different types of turfgrass anywhere in the world.

These growth potential rates enable defining and adapting the species selection criteria, foreseeing their development and quantifying agronomic variables, for example, nitrogen needs.

Agroclimatic forecasting modeling enables optimizing the resources used for maintaining the turfgrass. This enables increasing the quality, minimizing costs and improving environmental sustainability.


Check the development of different turfgrass types anywhere in the world and quantify their nitrogen requirements.


igk Tool´s Advantage:
Turfgrass Forecasting Model

1) Planning and effective decision making

  • Determine the growth potential rate of your turfgrass surface and calculate the nitrogen requirements estimate
  • Analyze which turgrass type is best adapted for your project, anywhere in the world

2) Efficiency of agronomic operations:

  • Selection of species better adapted.
  • Estimation of nutritional requirements
  • Seeding season
  • Overseeding window in the Transition Zone
  • Dates of aeration and associated cultural practices
  • Forecasting Model for Integrated Pest Management
  • Shoot Growth vs Root Growth
  • Winterkill Forecasting Model
  • Poa Flowering Forecasting Model
  • Other Limiting Growth Temperatures Factors
  • ...and more.
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Highlights Article:

Planning Curve.

Articulo destacado

The growth potential rate shares similarities with monitoring phenological rates commonly associated with agricultural crops. Plant phenology studies the relation between climate factors and plant development (germination, flowering, fruit, etc.), of both herbaceous crops and fruit trees.

Most of the processes leading to different plant stages are identified by climate factors, among which, temperature is one of the most influential factors, but not the only one. This modeling is used to obtain an agroclimatic study associated to a given crop.

In this case adapting turfgrass crops is made possible thanks to the development of the...