Source: Technical IgK Dpt. 22 July 2015 A first step towards naturalization the golf course is the start of golf sustainability. A sensible future for golf: naturalizing the golf course The socio-economic reality of Spain and other countries are doing that all sectors are rethinking the distribution and policy costs.
Source: Technical IgK Dpt. 22 July 2015 Water is energy itself, and as such should be managed. Who waters? Always exists and will exist controversy over the different uses of water. In the case of Spain, irrigated agriculture uses approximately 80% of our water resources, industry 14% and 6% urban areas.
Source: Technical IgK Dpt. 14 July 2015 Irrigating with rigor II Irrigating with rigor (II) The soil and water analysis are key factors when managing the turfgrass irrigation system
Source: Technical IgK Dpt. 9 June 2015 Valderrama weather station Irrigating with rigor (I) The adequate irrigation of the turfgrass is the greenkeeper's hardest and most important daily agronomic decision.