Technical igK Dpt.
14 January 2014
Is more irrigating better?: Of course NOT!
The consequences of irrigating more than required are different from the consequence of irrigating too little.
¿Mejor cuanto más riego?: ¡Por supuesto que NO!
The failure to efficiently use water and to adjust to the irrigation needs of the turfgrass always has negative consequences that lower its quality and result in increased energy use and water consumption.
Consequences of over irrigation
- Algae formation
- Soil layering due to the creation of prolonged conditions of lack of oxygen
- Puddling that interferes with play and creates ruts
- Accumulation of mowing clippings
- Proliferation of mosquitoes, infestations and mushrooms which affect play
- Development of plant diseases (almost all caused by fungi).
- Increased nutrient and pesticide leaching
- Increases effluent water
- Scalded or cooked plants at high temperature
- Increased rate of thatch formation and, consequently, matting
- Humid wilting caused by root asphyxia and prolonged anaerobic conditions.
- Interfered correct mowing
- Soil compacting
- Accelerated deterioration of the irrigation system.
- Over watering resulting in a real water cost in comparison to a reasonable consumption
- It results in increased energy costs, plus the cost of the corrective measures required to fix all of the negative consequences.
Consequences of insufficient controlled irrigating
- Reduced mobility of nutrients in the soil and fertilizer dissolving, which reduces the capacity of the plants to absorb them.
- Reduced rinsing of salt build up in the soil in dry regions.
- Dry patches
- Wilting
Over watering causes more negative consequences than insufficient irrigating, and this directly affects the quality of our product. This is one more common sense reason for being efficient, sustainable and ecological.
Water/energy efficient studies and irrigation system adjustments carried out by qualified professionals are clearly advisable from the point of view of business and environmental logic.